Thwebula World of Warcraft: Battle For Azeroth
Thwebula World of Warcraft: Battle For Azeroth,
Qaphela: Ukuze udlale i-World of Warcraft: Battle For Azeroth expansion, kufanele ube ne-World of Warcraft nakho konke ukunwetshwa kwangaphambilini.
Thwebula World of Warcraft: Battle For Azeroth
I-World of Warcraft: Impi ye-Azeroth iyiphakethe lesi-7 lokunwetshwa kwe-World of Warcraft, omunye wemidlalo ephumelele kakhulu ye-MMORPG emhlabeni.
Njengoba kuzokhumbuleka, sabona ukuvuswa kuka-Illidan ephaketheni lokunweba langaphambili leLegion futhi salandela uGuldan. Impi yethu yayisenze ngaphambi kukaSargeras, futhi sahamba saya ezweni lase-Argus. Sibuyele e-Azeroth nge-World of Warcraft: Battle For Azeroth. Umnyombo weqoqo elisha lokunwetshwa ukungezwani okukhulayo phakathi kweHorde ne-Alliance kanye nezimpi eziqubuke ngenxa yalokhu kushuba. Sibamba iqhaza kule mpi njengamaqhawe asohlangothini lwethu.
I-World of Warcraft: Impi Ye-Azeroth iphakamisa izinga lomdlalo njengamaphakethe wangaphambilini wokunweba. Amaqhawe ethu angafinyelela ezingeni le-120, futhi azuza namakhono amasha okulwa. I-World of Warcraft: Impi Yephakethe Lokukhulisa i-Azeroth iletha:
6 imijaho emisha.
Kukhushulwe izinga eliphezulu ukuya ku-120 namakhono amasha.
Imigodi emisha, ukugasela, amaketanga okufunwa.
Izinkundla zempi ezintsha ze-PvP kanye nomakhenikha be-PvP.
Izindawo ezintsha ezifana nesiqhingi saseKul Tiras, ikhaya likaJaina Proudmoore, kanye neZuldazar, idolobha elidala kunawo wonke e-Azeroth, inhloko-dolobha yama-troll aseZandalar.
Indondo yenganekwane ongayiqinisa nge-Azerite ebizwa nge-Heart of Azeroth, esizoyinikwa nguMagni Bronzebeard.
Izinto ezintsha, izikhali kanye nemishini.
World of Warcraft: Battle For Azeroth Imininingwane
- Ipulatifomu: Windows
- Isigaba: Game
- Ulimi: IsiNgisi
- Ilayisensi: Mahhala
- Unjiniyela: Blizzard Entertainment
- Ukuvuselelwa Kwamuva: 15-02-2022
- Thwebula: 1