Thwebula Raiders of the Broken Planet - Prologue
Thwebula Raiders of the Broken Planet - Prologue,
I-Raiders of the Broken Planet - I-Prologue ngumdlalo wesenzo we-TPS onezithombe ezinhle.
Thwebula Raiders of the Broken Planet - Prologue
I-Raiders of the Broken Planet - I-Prologue, okuwumdlalo ongawulanda futhi uwudlale mahhala kumakhompyutha akho, empeleni iwumkhiqizo olungiselelwe ukukhuthazwa komdlalo obizwa ngokuthi i-Raiders of the Broken Planet. Ku-Raiders of the Broken Planet - Prologue, eyethula isiqephu sokuqala segeyimu ye-Raiders of the Broken Planet, umgomo wokuhlenga yisihloko. Sithatha isikhundla seqhawe elilodwa elinesiphiwo okuthiwa u-Raider ozobamba iqhaza kulo msebenzi oyingozi. Ukuze sisindise umgomo wethu, iLycus, sidinga ukungena endlunkulu yeHades League futhi sithathe uLycus ephila ngokususa izitha. Umdlalo usinika ithuba lokuba i-Raider, kanye nokuthatha indawo yolunye uhlangothi.
I-Raiders of the Broken Planet - I-Prologue ngumdlalo odlalwa ngokombono womuntu wesithathu. Emdlalweni lapho isenzo esinamandla sihamba phambili, singalawula amaqhawe ahlukene. Amaqhawe ethu anamakhono awo okulwa ahlukile, ngaleyo ndlela anikeze ulwazi oluhlukile lokudlala. Ihluzo zomdlalo zisezingeni elimangalisayo. Izimfuneko zesistimu eziphansi ze-Raiders of the Broken Planet - I-Prologue zihlelwe kanje:
- Windows 7 uhlelo lokusebenza.
- I-Intel i5 4460 noma i-AMD FX 6300 processor.
- I-4GB ye-RAM.
- Ikhadi lemifanekiso le-Nvidia GTX 560 noma le-AMD R7 260 elinememori yevidiyo engu-2GB.
- IDirectX 11.
- 10GB wesitoreji samahhala.
- Uxhumano lwe-inthanethi.
Raiders of the Broken Planet - Prologue Imininingwane
- Ipulatifomu: Windows
- Isigaba: Game
- Ulimi: IsiNgisi
- Ilayisensi: Mahhala
- Unjiniyela: MercurySteam
- Ukuvuselelwa Kwamuva: 02-03-2022
- Thwebula: 1