Thwebula Crusaders of the Lost Idols
Thwebula Crusaders of the Lost Idols,
Dala iqembu lakho ngama-Crusaders of the Lost Idols futhi ucekele phansi izilo ezimi endleleni yakho.
Thwebula Crusaders of the Lost Idols
I-Crusaders of the Lost Idols, enezici ze-RPG ephezulu, iyatholakala ukuze ilandwe mahhala kubasebenzisi be-Android. Hamba ku-adventure enhle nethimba lakho olenzile ngamaqhawe akho amancane, futhi ucekele phansi izitha nezilo eziza ngendlela yakho ngamunye ngamunye.
Kulo mdlalo, lapho kunamazinga angaphezu kuka-10,000, ungasetha amasu okwakheka ahlukene futhi wenze ukuhlasela okumangazayo ezitheni zakho, uqoqe imishini enamandla futhi uthathe amaqhawe akho uwayise kwelinye izinga.
Khona-ke usalindeni? Qala ukulanda ama-Crusaders of the Lost Idols manje!
Crusaders of the Lost Idols Imininingwane
- Ipulatifomu: Android
- Isigaba: Game
- Ulimi: IsiNgisi
- Usayizi Wefayela: 45.00 MB
- Ilayisensi: Mahhala
- Unjiniyela: Kongregate
- Ukuvuselelwa Kwamuva: 11-09-2022
- Thwebula: 1